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Version History
Short information
Long Information
Installation notes
Usage notes

Category: PHP Version:2.2
Last page update:14.04.2003

»Download PHPImageView.

Version History

- 2.2 Security fixes
- 1.0 Initial release

Short information

PHPImageView allows you to generate a web page that displays all the images in a folder. You choose how the pictures are linked from the page. Changing the content of the folder automatically updates the page.

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- Do not use it for non-private, profit orientated sites
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- PHP 4
- correct file attribute settings
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Long information

If you want to display some pictures on the net, you either make thumbnails or create a list of textlinks linking to the images. In each case you have to change the HTML when you add/remove or rename images in the list.

With PHPImageView a routine does that job for you. You just put a PHP document, that includes PHPImageView, in the folder and the routine will read all images in the dir and create a displayer page for them. You can either choose to have a dropdown list and a show button, for and next buttons on the sides of the image, or numbered textlinks linking to the images.

You can display the image name and the information which image of how many is currently displayed.

The names for the dropdown list and the name display are the same as the file names, they just get capitalised and the file extension gets stripped.

if your pic is called coolpic.jpg, the display will read "Coolpic". To add/remove pictures simply delete them, or copy them to the folder.

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Installation Notes

To configure PHPImageView for your needs, change the values in the code:

background of the for+next cells
display for and next links (1=yes 0=no)
text displayed in the next cell
text displayed in the last cell
display numbered textlinks (1=yes 0=no)
display dropdown menu with names (1=yes 0=no)
text on the button next to the dropdown
display name of the image (capitalized filename) (1=yes 0=no)
display "pic x of y" (1=yes 0=no)
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Usage Notes

To use PHPImageView you simply put a php document with the PHPImageView code included in the folder of your images.

The script will read the directory, sort out all files that are no pictures (not .gif .jpg or .png, please rename .jpeg files to .jpg) and create the links to them according to the variables you set in the first view lines of the code.

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