EasySlideshow allows you to create image shows with for/next buttons, or animations that show a new picture every x seconds. It's easy to maintain and change.
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Version History
Short information
Long Information
Installation notes
Usage notes
Demo URLs

Category: Javascript Version:1.0
Last page update:14.04.2003

»Download EasySlideshow.

»Launch EasySlideshow.

Version History

- 1.0 Initial release

Short information

EasySlideshow allows you to create image shows with for/next buttons or animations that show a new picture every x seconds. It's easy to maintain and change.

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- Keep the information lines in the source code
- Do not alter the code
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- Javascript
- Browser of the fourth generation or higher
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Long information

Easyslideshow creates image shows with for/next buttons or animations that show a new picture every x seconds.

All the images are preloaded and you can add and delete images to the show by adding or deleting their name in a list of images. The only downside is that all images have to have the same dimensions. Easyslideshow runs with any browser of the fourth generation or newer.

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Installation Notes

To use Easyslideshow you need to configure it for your needs:

Simply change the list of images on line 17:

theImages="0.gif, 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif, 4.gif, 5.gif, 6.gif, 7.gif, 8.gif, 9.gif".split(", ");

To your desired images, for example:

theImages="mypic.gif, myhouse.jpg, mygarden.gif".split(", ");

Make sure to add a space after each , and end the line with ".split(", ")

To make the function work you need to put am image in your HTML file that has a "name" or "id" attribute in it.

Like this:

<img src="0.gif" width="40" name="myImage" height="40" alt="" border="0">

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Usage Notes

EasySlideshow consists of two functions:

autoplay() is the function that changes the image in a certain interval without any user interaction.
It is called via:

autoplay(run,srcimage,direction,speed) and has the following options:

can be 1 or 0, 1 starts the play, 0 ends it
defines the image that will be replaced by the others
1 forward -1 backward
speed in milliseconds

For example autoplay(1,'myImage',-1,1000) would change the image "myImage" every second and go backward through the list.

To stop the show you simply do a autoplay(0).

rotate() is the function that changes the image to the other, it is called via:

rotate(srcimage,direction) and has the following options:

defines the image that will be replaced by the others
1 forward -1 backward

For example rotate('myImage',1) would show the next image in the list. When the list reaches the last image, the first gets displayed again.

For some examples, simply launch the demosite

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Demo pages

- EasySlideshow demo page
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