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Version History
Short information
Long Information
Installation notes
Usage notes

Category: PHP Version:1.0
Last page update:14.04.2003

»Download EasyFileBrowse.

Version History

- 1.0 Initial release

Short information

EasyFileBrowse displays all the documents in one folder in a HTML table. Users can sort the document list alphabetically or by filesize and apply filters to display only part of the list.

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- Only for use, not for redistribution, please link to this site instead.
- Don't change the code. A link back is appreciated.
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Long information

Sometimes you want to offer people files for browsing and downloading and you don't feel like using the simple listing your server generates automatically. Or, even worse, most of the servers are set up to prevent folders from being listed.

This is where you can use EasyFileBrowse to offer the files in a folder for browsing and download.

You can define the look and feel of the list by changing a template, the users can list all files, sort them or even filter them.

Sorting can be done alphabetically, ascending and descending, or by filesize, ascending and descending, much like you can sort in explorer or windows commander.

By entering a filter the user can display only a part of the files.

Each file will be displayed with a link so people can view or download them, there is no link back to EasyFileBrowse though.

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Installation Notes

Unzip EasyFileBrowse and place the PHP script and the template in the folder you want to list.

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Usage Notes

EasyFileBrowse is template driven, you do not need to change anything in the PHP code. To change the display, simply change the HTML template provided.

The template is HTML with embedded variables. The variables are names embedded in " %".

These variables get replaced with the real data and functional links by the script.

The variables and their replacements are:

%nameup% will be replaced with the link to trigger an alphabetically ascending list.

%namedown% will be replaced with the link to trigger an alphabetically decending list.

%sizeup% will be replaced with the link to trigger a list ascending in filesize.

%sizedown% will be replaced with the link to trigger a list descending in filesize.

%filter% is the filter that was applied in the form.

Furthermore there are functional comments that determine which part is displayed when.

Everything in between the comments

<!-- start:failure --> ...

<!-- end:failure -->

will be displayed when there are no results for the filter applied to the list.

Everything in between the comments

<!-- start:item --> ...

<!-- end:item -->

will be displayed for each file in this folder.

in this "item display" %file% will be replaced with the filename %filesize% with the size of the file in bytes.

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