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Version History
Short information
Long Information
Installation notes
Usage notes

Category: PHP Version:1.0
Last page update:14.04.2003

»Download EasyArticle.

Version History

- 1.0 Initial release

Short information

Easyarticle is a script to display an article either chapter by chapter with a table of contents or as a printable version on one page.

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- Only for use, not for redistribution, please link to this site instead.
- Keep the "generated with EasyArticle" links in the script.
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Long information

When displaying articles on the web you'll want to make sure that people don't have to scroll to read them.

The common way to achieve that is to split the article, and publish it on several pages. This is easy to read, keeps the reader occupied, and allows you to stick to one topic at a time. But there are also disadvantages.

Using this way of publishing means that you will have to have the article in two different versions: An online version, split over several pages and a printable version on one page.

Changes in the article mean that you have to alter both versions, print and online.

Now, with EasyArticle, you simply put your article in a variable, and the script creates the rest. It either displays a whole printable version of the text or a chapter of it followed by a "more" link and headlines that link to the other chapters of the article.

Much like it's done at webmonkey. The article section of this page is also done with this script.

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Installation Notes

Unzip EasyArticle

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Usage Notes

To use EasyArticle, code an HTML page, and put the whole PHP code where you want it to display later on. Make sure to keep this page very flexible, as it will be used to for the print and the online-version!

To make the script work, define the variables in the script:

This is the name of the document, necessary to create the links.

$printhead='Article name (print version)<br>';
This is the header that will be printed on top of the print version

This is the html displayed before the article, define all font/css and layout settings here, do not use '! use &acute; instead.

This is the html displayed after the article, define all font/css and layout settings here, do not use '! use &acute; instead.

Now add your article, also replace all ' with &acute; here! To split the article into different chapters, user two new tags:

<chapter> and <cont>

<chapter> starts a new chapter, everything that follows this tag until the next <cont> will be the headline / link for this chapter. The text after the <cont> is the text of the chapter, it will be ended by the next <chapter> tag.

Put that site online and you are set! Just be sure, that there are no ' in the text and that the '; closing lines remain unchanged.

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